Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

greeting from author

hey all, first time blogging is so challenging, but first, pardon my english ya, fyi, my english is not really good, but why i keep writing in english, is  because i want my blog to be globaly ,, uhuuuuy..

straight to the point, i will tell you guys a little bit information about me, an ordinary woman who born 23 years ago in a small town,born and raise there , and then destiny made me move into this city which is Jakarta, so can you imagined?? a little kitty who used to live in a small town, suddely start her new life in the big city, not just a big but also a crazy city, yah, i talk about the traffic,, 
in my case, i need 2 hours just to ride home every monday to friday, gosh,, sometime iam gonna scream like a stupid people, but i realize people in jakarta is so patient, rarely complain about the traffic, and just like that, they just enjoy the crazy traffic, because there is nothing they can do.

do iam happy??
off course,  sometime i feel sad, home sick and miss my moms so badly, but as we grow up, we have to live our life,, so yes,,iam happy.. living in this city make me see and feel new thing, ,, meet interisting people, and the best part is i meet someone new, someone who dont relate into my past, someone who know me who ia,m now,  

i dedicated this blog to share the good things that i like or experience, fashion, food, lifestyle,travel, and love?? hmm,, its take few times to know

but i hope you guys enjoy read my blog,,

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